Insight Academy Leadership Management Courses


CRICOS Course Code: 105209K

Advance your managerial skills and inspire innovation

This Advanced Diploma takes your managerial skills to the next level, so you can create an innovative culture of progress, evolution and transformation in any business.

Insight Academy Leadership Management Courses


CRICOS Course Code: 105209K

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+61 3 8609 7430

Be a great leader

Managing and leading a business requires a variety of skills. It begins with your ability to manage yourself, navigate the complex world of managing people and relationships, and thoroughly understand different business areas.

Be ready to conquer the world

Insight Academy Management Courses in Australia

Understand and train your leadership style

Insight Academy Leadership Development Program

Create a business culture of innovation and collaboration

Insight Academy Leadership and Management Courses

Master your communication and negotiation skills

Leadership Development Program at Insight Academy

Learn innovative management techniques

Leadership and Management Courses at Insight Academy

Upskill in marketing and finance

Insight Academy Skill Development Programs

Mentoring sessions included

Level up with our complementary classes

As part of your enrolment in this course, we offer complementary activities to provide further support in community, employability, mental health, entertainment, and your learning journey.

insight academy career development courses


Build your knowledge and skills in any specific area you are interested in, brought to you by selected industry professionals and specialists.

insight academy career development courses


Ad-hoc events to boost your networking and hear from guest speakers on their knowledge and experience about the topics covered in class.

insight academy career development courses


Get professional coaching and participate in our personal branding and employment advice sessions to increase your opportunities.

insight academy career development courses


One-to-one or group coaching sessions with a professional life coach to support our student’s well-being. We want to lighten your load.

Course breakdown

Understand your leadership styles, values and personality to set the personal and professional goals that would give you a concrete direction. Mindfulness practice is deeply embedded in this block.

BSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development.

Collaborate in teams, develop a business plan and bring it to life. Acquire a deep understanding of the different business areas, such as setting up goals, strategic vision, and an action plan.


BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plans

Learn how to influence, support and provide resources to others during a period of change using different leadership styles and work methods to drive transformation.


BSBLDR602 Provide leadership across the organisation.

BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change

Learn innovative management techniques to deal with complex situations by applying critical thinking. Use technology to create a collaborative culture of innovation that is sustainable.

BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem-solving
BSBSTR601 Manage innovation and continuous improvement

Strategic partnerships are key to business success. Learn how to identify, choose and approach strategic partners, and how to engage in high-level negotiation and influencing.

BSBPMG637 - Engage in collaborative alliances

BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence

Become the manager of a marketing team and learn how to effectively communicate the business’ purpose and value proposition to your customers.

BSBMKG552 - Design and develop marketing communication plans 

Become the manager of a Finance team and learn how to invest finance wisely to implement goals like business growth and cost reduction.

BSBFIN601 - Manage organisational finances

Entry Requirements

  • Must be 18 years of age or over at the time of commencement.
  • Successful completion of Australian Equivalent Year 12 qualification or higher.
  • Mature age students (21+) with no formal qualification may be considered. A minimum of 3 years of experience would normally be expected but each case will be reviewed individually with relevant work experience evidenced by a work reference letter on company letterhead, work samples and curriculum vitae. Furthermore, all students are required to complete an LLN assessment as part of the pre-training review.
    • Have completed a Diploma or Advanced Diploma from the BSB Training Package (current or superseded equivalent versions)
    • Have two years equivalent full-time relevant workplace experience in an operational or leadership role in an enterprise.

Additional Requirements

Including International Students
  • Minimum 6.0 IELTS score or equivalent in line with the Department of Education and DOHA regulations (International Students).
  • In the absence of formal English qualifications college may offer an English Placement Test
  • Pre-Training Review
    Prior to commencement, a review of each student’s previous education, training and work experience are conducted to determine if there is a need to recognise existing competencies through Recognition of Prior Learning and/or Credit for prior studies.
  • Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment. The student’s current level of skills and knowledge in reading, writing and math is also assessed and the information gathered will determine the most appropriate courses for enrolment.

The information gathered from the Pre-Training Review and the LLN Assessment will assist in determining the students’ training and assessment needs and their suitability for the course selected.

*Students will be required to bring their own laptops or tablets.

*For visa enquiries, refer to the Department of Immigration or your Agent.

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Take the next step in your professional development