Beyond our Network

Opening Opportunities

As Insight Academy Hub holds its core focus on real-world experiences and networking, we build many relationships with businesses, community organisations, and governments across Australia and internationally.

Industry partners

PHW Group

PHW group insight academy

PHW Group

Creative Entrepreneur

creative entrepreneur insight academy

Entrepreneurial Coaching

Finance Academy

finance academy insight academy

Financial & Pricing Strategy

Inspire Talk

inspiretalk insight academy

Online Television Show

Sarah Gale

sarah gale insight academy

Consultancy & Coaching

Murphy’s Paw

Murphys Paw insight academy

Dog Grooming & Retail

Education partners

Discover English

discover english insight academy

Milestones English Academy

Torrens Univeristy

Torrens University Laureate International Universities


Torrens Language Center

Torrens University Insight Academy Campus

Language Centre

Languages Across Borders

LAB insight academy

Languages Across Borders

Inus English

inus insight academy

Inus Australia

Milestones English Academy

Milestones insight academy

Milestones english Academy

Our Social

At Insight Academy, we believe in supporting communities in the best way that we can. From within our own borders and beyond, here are some initiatives we’ve had the fortune to be involved in.
WeHike Insight Academy


Insight Academy, in partnership with Hike Tribe, launched an initiative to improve the well-being of international students impacted by COVID-19 by reconnecting them with nature and the community. This was achieved through conducting group hikes across regional Victoria. These events were immediately booked out by enthusiastic students. WeHike was supported by Study Melbourne and the Victorian State Government.



In a partnership with Small Business Victoria, Insight Academy created and conducted a seven-part event series focused on promoting and supporting LGBTQIA+ people in business, including networking events, guest speakers and workshops. Through highlighting LGBTQIA+ entrepreneurs and their stories, we aimed to empower LGBTQIA+ persons and provide them with the skills and connections to pursue their careers.

Insight Academy Education Partners Companies

Food Next Door

Food Next Door is a co-operative organisation that matches under-utilised farmland with landless farmers to support small-scale regenerative farming, growing diverse crops & engaging people from diverse backgrounds to supply food to local households. Insight Academy collaborated with the co-op by giving full scholarships to two of the members of their community to support the growth of their business.

Project Zen Z insight academy

Project GEN Z

Thanks to Project Gen Z our Insight Academy team travelled to Cambodia to participate in workshops with other successful entrepreneurs to raise funds & teach entrepreneurial skills to students from Sunrise Cambodia, an orphanage run by Geraldine Cox. Insight Academy also gave a full scholarship to one of the students who nowadays continues her business studies at our Melbourne Campus.